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리틀 익스플로러스란 작은 탐험가를 뜻합니다.  아기들이 세상에 나올때 부터 한발 한발 마일스톤 에 따라서 새로운 세계의 탐구와 탐험을 갈 구합니다. 저희 리틀 익스플로러스 테라피 (Little Explorers Therapy)에서는 신체가 불편한 어린이들에게 신체적인 정신적인 기능의 잠재력을 최대한 끌어 올려주는 신경 발달 치료를 지향하고 있습니다. 텍사스 주 정부의 치료 의료 면허와 상급레벨의 소아치료의 자격증을  갖춘 물리치료사 팀들이 각 어린이들의 플랜을 달성 시키기 위해 개인에 맞춘 치료를 제공하고 있습니다.

저희의 목표는 Little Explorers들이 최대한의 잠재력을 끌어 올려서 그들의 힘과 조정능력 그리고 자신감들을 향상시키는데  있습니다.  저희 리틀 익스플로러스 치료 팀들은 어린이들의 생활 장소에 직접 찾아가서 즐거움과 치료가 동시에 이루어지는 환경을 만들어 내는데 노력하고 있습니다.

Father and Son Playing

Little Explorers Therapy

​한 발 한 발 나아기는 단계적 목표 성취

저희 딸이 2020년도 시작했고 지금 막 치료가 끝났습니다. 저는 Dr. Salamanca가 멋진 손으로 당신의 아이들을 치료 할 것이라고 확신 합니다. 그녀는 인간적이고 멋진 사람이며 치료사 입니다.

Alejandra A, TX


소아 발달 운동

Local Workshop- Thera play
tripod position sitting

tripod position sitting

The tripod sitting position is when a baby sits with their legs in front of them and their hands behind them to support their body. This position is often seen as a transitional stage between sitting with full support and sitting without support. Babies typically start to develop tripod sitting skills at around 6-7 months of age. At this stage, babies have gained enough upper body strength and control to sit up with some support from their arms. As babies continue to practice and develop their sitting skills, they will gradually rely less on their arms for support and be able to sit up unsupported. This usually occurs between 7-9 months of age, although some babies may reach this milestone earlier or later. We Little Explorers Therapy provides skilled therapy services to achieve Little Explorers' sitting goals by Proprioceptive activities: Physical therapists may use activities that provide input to the baby's muscles and joints, such as rocking back and forth or side to side, to help the baby develop a sense of where their body is in space. This can help the baby gain more control over their movements and maintain the tripod sitting position. Core strengthening exercises: Physical therapists may use exercises to strengthen the baby's core muscles, such as tummy time activities or activities that involve reaching and grasping while in the tripod sitting position. These exercises can help the baby gain more stability and control over their movements. Balance activities: Physical therapists may use activities that challenge the baby's balance, such as placing toys just out of reach or using a therapy ball, to help the baby develop balance and coordination while in the tripod sitting position. Postural support: Physical therapists may use pillows, rolled towels, or other supportive equipment to help the baby maintain the tripod sitting position while they work on developing their strength and control. Parent education: Physical therapists may provide parents with tips and techniques for working with their baby at home to improve their tripod sitting skills, such as providing supervised practice time in the tripod sitting position.


Completing the milestone of rolling from supine (lying on their back) to prone (lying on their stomach) and from prone to supine is an important part of a baby's gross motor development. On average, babies begin to roll from supine to prone at around 4-6 months of age. Rolling from prone to supine typically occurs a few weeks later, at around 5-7 months of age. However, every baby is different, and some may reach this milestone earlier or later. It's important to note that babies usually start by rolling in one direction before learning to roll in both directions. Rolling is a complex skill that requires the baby to have sufficient strength and coordination in their neck, back, and trunk muscles. Positioning: Physical therapists may use different positions to encourage rolling such as placing the baby on their side and gently guiding them to roll onto their back or stomach. The therapist may also use a rolled-up towel or positioning aids to support the baby's body and help them feel more comfortable. Tummy Time: Tummy time is an essential exercise to build strength in the baby's upper body, neck, and back muscles. Physical therapists may recommend tummy time exercises and provide tips to make tummy time more enjoyable for the baby. Encouraging Reach and Grasp: Physical therapists may use toys or objects to motivate the baby to reach and grasp, which can help develop the baby's motor skills and coordination. Using Visual Cues: Physical therapists may use visual cues such as bright and colorful objects or toys to get the baby's attention and motivate them to roll. Assisted Rolling: Physical therapists may use gentle techniques such as hand-over-hand assistance to guide the baby's rolling movements and help them feel more comfortable during the process. Environmental Set-Up: Physical therapists may adjust the baby's environment to promote independent rolling, such as placing toys slightly out of reach to encourage the baby to roll over and reach for them.



​소셜 네트워킹

(469)618-4453            (469)618-4049 - KOR

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